BEI means PT Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Stock Exchange is a party who organize and provide the system and/or facilities to bridge offers for selling and purchasing Securities from other parties with the aim of trading Securities among themselves.
Securities means shares and any of their derivatives.
Exchange Day is the day when Securities trading is held at the Stock Exchange, namely Monday to Friday, unless said day is a national holiday or declared as an Stock Exchange holiday by the Stock Exchange.
KPEI means PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation).
KSEI means PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (Indonesian Central Securities Depository).
OJK means Financial Services Authority.
Securities Account Opening Agreement means a binding agreement made between PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the Customer as one of the conditions for signing this Agreement.
The customer hereby submits an application to open a securities account at PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and appoints PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to act as a broker for every transaction made by the customer on Indonesia Stock Exchange in accordance with the terms and conditions set by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The Customer agrees and realizes that all data and information that is completed in this agreement or that the Customer provides to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is true and accurate and will always be true and accurate at all times as long as the Customer has a securities account and/or as long as the facility is valid or a securities account by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and that the Customer is required to provide additional data or submit information supporting documents in this agreement if requested by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and is also required to inform in writing to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia if there are changes in relation to the data that the Customer completes in this form within [3 trading days]. All losses arising from the errors of data and information and/or changes in data and information of the Customer that are not reported to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will be the responsibility of the Customer.
The Customer agrees that all data and information that is completed in this agreement or that the Customer provides to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia can be used by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to send the latest product promotions from PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to Customers. The Customer has the right to revoke the approval to be offered products or services by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The Customer knows and understands that submitting this agreement back to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia does not mean that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia automatically agrees to opening an account and/or providing securities trading facilities to Customers and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the absolute right to refuse this request. The Customer is also aware that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to require the Customer to make an initial deposit in accordance with the applicable regulations.
The customer is not currently bankrupt and/or declared bankrupt by an authorized court decision and there are no claims or lawsuits for bankruptcy from other parties in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, as long as the customer has a securities account and/or the provision of securities trading facilities by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The customer is willing to authorize PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to:
Book-entry, debit, transfer, blocking and unblocking of funds in the customer's fund account at the designated bank for the purposes of the customer's securities transactions;
Providing data including mutations and or balances of customer funds in the fund account at the designated bank to the Depository and Settlement Institution.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to buy or borrow securities or sell other securities belonging to the customer for the customer's securities account, with the aim of closing the negative balance of Securities that is not financed by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia or not sufficiently guaranteed by the customer. The customer by signing this agreement, automatically gives special authority and power to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia for and on behalf of the customer to act in terms of using, selling, buying, transferring, delivering, guaranteeing and or receiving securities, or other legal evidence and such effects, to receive and make payments related to customer transactions, disburse deposits and sell customer shares, and other actions related to customer transactions including but not limited to conditions where the securities account shows a negative balance.
The Customer acknowledges and agrees that all transactions that occur are related to the sale and/or purchase of securities referred to in a securities account which are regulated and interpreted according to Law No. 8 of 1995 on Capital Market and its amendments from time to time and also the implementation of regulations that have been issued or will be issued by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan or OJK), Indonesian Stock Exchange (PT Bursa Efek Indonesia or BEI), Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia or KPEI), or Indonesia Central Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia or KSEI) and other provisions in this securities account.
The Customer declares and fully understands that the capital market is a market that fluctuates rapidly, which carries the risk of material loss in conducting securities transactions. By signing this agreement the Customer states that the Customer has received clear, correct, and honest information and explanation regarding the product and or service including the benefits, costs and risks associated.
The Customer is required to pay any fees that arise at the time, including brokerage fees, transaction fees, as well as taxes, penalties, maximum interest of [0.1%] per day, and other fees charged by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia including fee for monthly market information determined by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and BEI.
The Customer will bear and pay to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia all costs, commissions, stamp duty, VAT, tax interest, legal fees and other expenses in connection with securities transactions that may be charged by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to Customers who are charged on securities accounts. The Customer realizes that if the Customer is unable to fulfill his obligations and pays the fees above or there is a delay by the Customer in making payments for an amount owed, the Customer agrees for PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to immediately debit and use the Customer's account as settlement of the Customer's debt without prior notification. PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia also has the right to impose fines for late interest and other charges on the Customer's account in connection with efforts to collect the Customer's debt to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The Customer knows and agrees that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may record and/or administer every order or conversation that the Customer gives via personal means of communication and any other media, either in the form of sound and/or video recordings. The recording and other media documentation are proof of a valid order. PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to sue the Customer in court if the Customer denies the order.The Customer agrees to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to appoint (if necessary, based on PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia’s sole consideration) an officer/employee of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to carry out the transaction. In the interest of proving in court in case of a dispute, the Customer hereby declares and agrees that the voices recorded via recorded telephone, system logs, correspondence bookkeeping records and other documents owned by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia are complete, correct, and valid and therefore the data and the document above is valid evidence.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will submit a report on the funds or securities in the customer's account, in the form of periodic reports and occasional reports according to the customer's request.
The Customer has read, understood, and agreed to the terms and regulations for opening a securities account as described in this agreement and the Customer is hereby bound and subject to all of these terms and regulations. If the Customer is still using the services of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, this will automatically become an indication that the Customer has agreed to the terms and conditions of the account opening agreement along with all improvements, changes and updates which will be notified to the Customer no later than [30 (thirty)] working days before the repair, changes and updates take effect if the Customer does not file an objection within [30 (thirty)] working days after the Customer receives the notification.
The Customer is aware of and understands the risks of investing in the capital market. All data and information regarding stock exchange transactions provided by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia are solely based on sources that are considered reliable. Therefore, the Customer is aware and understands that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia cannot provide guarantees for the truth and/or accuracy of data and information on stock exchange transactions that Customers make through PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
If a customer passed away, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to ask the heirs for a valid copy of the death certificate and other documents needed to find out the heirs who are entitled to the account of the customer who has passed away.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to close the account of a customer who has passed away after handing over the wealth of the customer's account to the heir(s) and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is fully released from costs arising from the handover of the wealth of the customer's account who has passed away.
This securities account opening agreement constitutes a valid agreement between PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the customer and all provisions contained in this securities account opening agreement are binding on the customer and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The implementation of this securities account opening agreement is subject to the legal provisions in force within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
The customer will not use the securities trading services of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia as a tool to carry out actions that are classified as against the law, including but not limited to money laundering, and also state that the customer is currently not involved in any criminal case who are in the process of being investigated or prosecuted in court, whether in the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia or other jurisdictions.
The Customer must submit a certain amount of money and/or securities with a certain value, as determined by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and this deposit must be effective in a fund account at a bank appointed by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and/or in the securities account at PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and/or in safekeeping with PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia or other custodians appointed by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia before making transactions. Shares must be in scripless form and transferable (proper delivery) and have been registered at KSEI.
Securities and/or funds contained in a Customer's account can be used as collateral for settlement of obligations only for the Customer concerned against PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, unless there is a special arrangement in a separate agreement with the Customer.
If the Customer is unable to fulfill his obligations as stated in the PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia confirmation, namely to pay for the purchase transaction and/or to hand over the shares for the sales transaction on T+4 (4th trading day) or 2 days after the agreed settlement date for transactions outside of the stock exchange, the Customer becomes indebted to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and will automatically give rise to rights and authority to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to carry out a forced sale without prior notification to the Customer at the prevailing market price or at a price deemed best by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia at the time determined based on the applicable provisions. All costs incurred will therefore be borne by the Customer. The proceeds from the forced sale will be used by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to settle and/or reduce all Customer obligations to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The customer cannot choose securities to be liquidated or forced sell by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to reduce all of the customer's obligations to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
Any remaining liabilities after all the shares in the portfolio have been sold will still be the responsibility of the customer.
The customer can carry out transactions after the securities account has been approved by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has received the deposit paid by the customer.
The customer agrees to carry out transactions up to the transaction value limit set by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia based on the deposit paid by the customer.
Orders from customers for share transactions will be carried out by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia only if the shares are legal and valid, available, and transferable (proper delivery) in the securities account, and/or only if sufficient funds are available in the account at a bank appointed by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may request funds and/or Securities from the said Securities account holder before carrying out a Securities transaction.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will carry out share transactions for and on behalf of the Customer based on the Customer’s order. Orders given by Customers to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia can be given in writing, through applications or other electronic media and/or orally. If orders are given verbally including via personal means of communication that can be proven by the voice and/or video recordings, errors in conveying orders by the Customer causing losses/claims/claims/damage to Customer transactions are the full responsibility of the Customer.
The Customer accepts that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may refuse, or limit purchase or sale orders issued by the Customer based on PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia’s policy.
The customer can only sell shares that are listed in their stock portfolio.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may impose sanctions if transactions carried out by customers are suspected of fraud, market manipulation, and insider trading, as well as other actions that violate applicable laws and regulations.
If there is a failure to complete the transaction due to the fault or negligence of the Customer, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will resolve the failure through the existing market mechanism and all financial risks arising from the transaction will be the full responsibility of the Customer.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will confirm transactions for every trading activity (for transactions made) that occur every exchange day via e-mail or other form deemed appropriate by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. In addition, the Customer agrees that all confirmed transactions are correct and valid if there is no written notification regarding the contents of the trade confirmation to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia within [one] trading day from the time the confirmation is issued.
If the customer does not agree or object to the contents of the confirmation provided by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, the customer must make a written notification regarding the objection within [one] trading day from the time the confirmation is issued. If there is no such written notification, the customer is deemed to agree with the contents of the confirmation.
The Customer fully understands and agrees that objections or the results of submitting objections cannot cancel transactions that have been made.
The Customer agrees that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia can send a trade confirmation report to the Customer after completing administrative processes on each exchange day via email or other form deemed appropriate by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
For each completed transaction, the customer is required to pay the price of the shares in the purchase transaction, as well as the following fees:
The brokerage fee is a certain percentage of the transaction value, to be determined by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
Taxes, transaction fees, deposit fees and other fees (if charged/incurred).
Payments from Customers for purchase transactions must be effective in the Customer's Fund Account a maximum of before [08:00 WIB] on [T+2 (2nd trading day)]. Payments received after [08:00 WIB] WIB will be recorded/booked on the following business day and will be considered as late payments. Any late payment will be subject to daily fines and/or other fees to be determined by the PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. If after T+4 (the 4th exchange day) the Customer does not make any payment for his obligations, then the Customer will become indebted to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
In case that funds show a negative balance in the Customer's regular Securities account, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may:
use the securities in the customer's securities account as collateral for credit from a bank or other financial institution; or
carry out a forced sale of securities without the client's consent;
only in the context of settling the obligations of the customer concerned.
At the latest at the end of T+3 (3rd exchange day) or one day after the agreed settlement date for transactions outside the Exchange, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will inform the Customer regarding the position of the negative fund balance/Customer's liabilities on regular Securities accounts and ask the Customer to close the negative balance position/liability of the Customer in question.
If on T+4 (4th exchange day) or two days after the agreed settlement date for transactions outside the Exchange, the customer still does not fulfill its obligations, then PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is obliged to carry out forced sales of the customer's securities on the regular market and/or negotiated market without prior notification. When the forced sale has been carried out but the customer still has obligations while the equity has been negative, the customer is obliged to settle obligations that are still owed to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is obliged to make payments to customers after completing administrative processes and forwarding them to the customer's account on the due date, namely [T+2 (2ndtrading day)] from the date of the transaction.
If the customer's obligations exceed the total disbursement of funds in the deposit/guarantee and the total liquidation of shares, then the customer is required to surrender other assets to fulfill these obligations, such as cash or other goods whose value has been agreed upon by both parties.
The customer will pay all existing debt positions, including all losses, commission fees and fines, as well as others arising from the transaction, and the debt is fully the customer's obligation to pay it off to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
Payment or settlement of the customer will be used first to pay all costs incurred, and then if there is still remaining, it will be used to pay daily fines (penalties) and if there are still remaining payments, it will pay the principal of the existing debt.
The cost of using the online trading application will be determined by BEI.
The Customer is responsible for all losses, fees, fines, interest and any expenses related to transactions made by the Customer, if PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has sent a trade confirmation to the Customer via email or other form deemed appropriate by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
Securities owned by clients are kept separately in the Sub Securities Account at KSEI for each customer on behalf of the customer. The customer gives power and authority to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to open a Sub Securities Account at KSEI and create a Single Investor Identification (SID) number if the customer does not yet have an SID. PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will record all customer shares in the portfolio in its own sub-account, unless specifically agreed in a separate agreement with the account opening contract.
Funds owned by customers are kept separately in bank accounts for each customer on behalf of the customer as determined by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. The customer gives power and authority to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to open the account unless specifically agreed in a separate agreement.
The customer has access to information so that he can directly monitor the movement and/or balance of securities and/or funds stored in the securities sub-account on behalf of the customer.
The customer may request a report on the customer's Securities account balance from PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to be compared with the Securities Account balance recorded at KSEI.
The Customer knows that the absence of a written notification to withdraw or take shares from the securities account means that the Customer agrees to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to maintain and store his shares (excluding managing them) in an appropriate manner and in a place determined by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The customer agrees to be responsible and pay all costs incurred as a result of depositing an account.
The customer agrees that if a corporate action is to be carried out related to the customer's shares, the customer is obliged to give a written order to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to take action in accordance with the said corporate action and the customer bears all costs incurred related to this order.
The customer agrees to authorize PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to guarantee shares in the customer's portfolio for the purpose of customer transactions
If the customer agrees to use the latest trading data, the customer agrees to use an online trading system that includes the latest trading data information system and online trading facilities, and therefore the customer is solely responsible for and agrees if PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia at any time imposes monthly subscription fee for the data information system.
If the customer does not agree to use the latest trading data, then the customer is released from responsibility for the monthly subscription fee (if any) and if in the future the customer wishes to use the latest trading data, the customer agrees and is responsible for the subscription fee which will be determined by the BEI after PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia received confirmation from the customer for the use of the latest trading data.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will provide a User ID/Password/PIN (access code) so that Customers can access the online trading system. The Customer is required to change the access code to maintain the security and confidentiality of the transaction, after the Customer's access code is received from PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia the Customer must immediately notify PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia no later than 1 x 24 hours if there is loss, theft or use of the access code by an unauthorized party.
The Customer accepts and agrees to be fully responsible: (i) for the use and protection of the access code and for every transaction that occurs in a securities account, which is stored or accessed through the access code, (ii) for maintaining, preserve and securing the access code, (iii) bear all losses incurred from the fault of the Customer due to the use of securities accounts through access codes, including but not limited to orders made by unauthorized parties and order errors, (iv) for any changes that occur to Customer data caused by the use of access codes, (v) The use of a user id and password in each order for a Customer's securities transaction is also a power of attorney to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to carry out a Customer's securities transaction, which are not the fault of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
The Customer is prohibited from intentionally misusing elements in PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, including but not limited to hacking, infiltration of viruses or similar code, interference, or excessive use or use which is an illegal act.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to end, withdraw or close the Customer's access and/or access code, and report the above-mentioned actions and/or violations to the authorities.
The customer acknowledges and agrees that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will send Access Codes (PIN and Password) to customers either via electronic mail (email), short messages (SMS), or in other ways that are possible for PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia in accordance with and based on the email address or mobile phone number or data recorded at PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the customer is hereby responsible for the access code.
The Customer fully understands that the access code provided by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to the Customer is confidential, therefore the Customer promises to maintain, maintain and secure the access code in every way. With this, the Customer releases PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia from all forms of responsibility and losses that arise as a result of using the access code by another party which is caused by the fault and/or negligence from the Customers.
The Customer is responsible for the validity and correctness of orders made through both offline and online trading system based on data received by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia's computer system without requiring the Customer's signature and is valid evidence and binding on the Customer and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. Each buy and/or sell order that has been executed successfully will receive a JATS order ID from the Exchange, while orders that have been matched will receive a Trade ID.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to limit and terminate Customer access in using the online trading system at any time without prior notification, including but not limited to system maintenance and repair.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to limit and suspend Customer access in using the online trading system and/or Customer transactions if the Customer is indicated and/or proven to have committed actions that are prohibited in the capital market and/or ordered by the competent authority.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia may block a customer's account at the request of an authorized official/institution in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The customer may request reactivation of their account once it has been approved by the authorized official/institution.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia provides online trading system facilities to Customers, and each use is at the Customer’s own risk. The information contained in the trading system facility is obtained from various sources, which are believed to be reliable but can be changed or updated at any time without prior notification to the Customer. None of the information that the Customer obtains states a request from PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia or a request that the Customer must buy or sell certain securities at a certain amount, or all of them.However, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia cannot provide guarantees for inaccuracies and incomplete data caused by poor relations/connections or other reasons.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right, at its sole discretion, to update, revise or modify these terms and conditions or apply new provisions regarding the use of the online trading system or amend not to continue certain aspects or features in the online trading system with prior notification to the Customer no later than [30 (thirty)] working days before the amendment, revision or modification takes effect. If there are no objections raised by the Customer after [30 (thirty)] working days since the notification received by the Customer, then the Customer is deemed to have agreed to the changes or additions. Any changes or additions based on these provisions constitute an integral and inseparable part of the Account Opening Form, the Declaration and the Agreement Provisions.
The Customer agrees to release PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia from responsibility for losses that may be incurred, including but not limited to losses caused by hardware, software and relations/connection failures in the use of the online trading system to the extent that such losses are not caused or due to the fault of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. In case that the online trading system is damaged or under maintenance, the Customer agrees that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia could deliver the sell and/or purchase order through marketing division, which will then be input to JATS (Jakarta Automated Trading System).
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is not responsible for any delays in executing Customer orders, whether to buy or sell securities that is caused by the delay of approval from the authorized official. If there are tight and fast market changes, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia will only execute Customer orders on a best-effort basis. During times of unusual market changes and high trading volumes, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, at its sole discretion, may limit and tighten the types of orders it accepts from Customers.
Customer approval of the stock exchange member system, including:
The customer knows and approves of how the system works and acknowledges the electronic records generated by the stock exchange member system as evidence of the activities carried out by the customer.
The customer knows and agrees to the terms of trade through the order delivery facility directly for the customer that applies and binds the customer in case that the customer's order is submitted using this facility.
The Customer is responsible for the correctness and validity of the order data submitted or shown to the stock exchange members based on the order data received by the order delivery facility directly, and therefore is acknowledged by the Customer without the need for the Customer's signature and is the only valid and binding evidence for the Customer and members of the stock exchange, unless otherwise proven by the Customer.
The customer understands and agrees that all instructions carried out through the PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia system are non-repudiation/no- objection, unless otherwise proven by the customer.
By registering and using PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia online trading system, the Customer agrees to release PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliates and every employee, director, commissioner, representative and agent of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including legal costs) which is proven to be incurred in connection with:
Customer violation of these terms and conditions or applicable regulatory provisions;
Any use or misuse of online trading systems or other parties using Customer accounts.
Any mistakes made by parties other than PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia, whether intentional or in the form of negligence.
Suspension of Customer's securities accounts based on matters regulated in these terms and conditions.
Towards the conditions that can be proven above, the Customer agrees to provide compensation to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia for all obligations, demands, losses and costs, including full legal proceeding costs, arising from any action taken or neglected based on good faith by each member of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to fulfill any instructions, notifications or requests from the Customer in relation to any legal relationship entered into between PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the Customer. This compensation obligation will continue to apply even though the relevant agreements and/or legal relationship between the Customer and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia have ended.
Anything that is not listed in this agreement can be arranged later by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and will be conveyed to the customer [30 (thirty)] working days before it is effectively implemented.
Both PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the customer can terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notification to the other party.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right at any time to close/cancel this securities account and/or use trading facilities. This notice of closure/cancellation will be notified to the customer in writing along with details of the rights and obligations imposed on the customer (if any) and is effective from the date of issue, and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is not obliged to provide an explanation to the customer regarding the reasons for the closure/cancellation of this securities account, in addition, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to evaluate customer movements and balances at any time.
If the customer intends to terminate this agreement, the customer must send a notification letter for closing the account which must be submitted to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia no later than 5 (five) Trading days before the effective date of closing the account. The customer cannot close his account if the customer still has unsettled obligations to the company. The customer must fulfill his obligations within 2 (two) Trading days before the effective account closing date.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia can terminate this agreement if the transaction made by the Customer is suspected of being an act of fraud, market manipulation, and insider trading in accordance with the regulations set by the OJK and Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (IFTRA).
Closing of securities accounts will be followed by closing of Sub Securities Accounts at KSEI and RDN at Banks.
The customer agrees that as a result of terminating this agreement, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia and the customer hereby ignore the provisions in article 1266 and article 1267 as stipulated in the Indonesian Civil Code.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to temporarily suspend transactions for the customer’s securities accounts including but not limited to customers who violate statutory provisions, customers who do not update data, customers who do not comply with OJK regulatory provisions, and customers who are inactive for a maximum period of 3 (three) consecutive months to prevent misuse of the account. If the balance in the customer's account is nil for 6 (six) consecutive months, PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to close the customer's account.
The Customer agrees that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to close a Customer's fund account if it is known that it does not have funds and/or securities available and there is no transaction activity for a maximum period of 6 (six) consecutive months and closing a Customer's fund account does not require request and approval and/or notification from/to the Customer.
This Agreement is made in English and Bahasa Indonesia provided that in case of any different interpretation or inconsistency between English version and Bahasa Indonesia version, then the Bahasa Indonesia version will prevail.
By signing this Securities Account Opening Agreement, I declare that:
The information provided herein is true and accurate and I hereby authorize PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia to verify the truth and accuracy of such information with any proper source.
I understand that PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the full right to accept or refuse the Securities Account opening application to PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
I declare that I have received an explanation from an official appointed by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia or have accessed the information provided on the PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia website or other means regarding the benefits, risks, costs that will arise from my rights and obligations.
I declare and agree that I am prohibited from authorizing transactions or managing my assets in my securities account to employees of PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
I declare that I have understood the investment instruments offered by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia. Following are the things I have understood before choosing the investment instrument:
The offered investment instruments have been regulated and are in accordance with the regulations of the Financial Services Authority;
The party offering has a license as a Securities Company Representative;
The return rate and the risk level of the offered investment instruments;
Adjusting the risk profile of the offered investment instruments before making an investment decision;
Consider the aspects of the offered investment instrument, such as its legality, liquidity, fundamentals, and other relevant aspects, in regard to making investment decisions.
I have received explanation of my rights and obligations, and I have read, understood and bound myself as well as agreed to all terms and conditions set forth in the Securities Account Opening Agreement, which will come into force once this Securities Account Opening Application is approved by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
I declare that I have read and understood Ringkasan Produk dan/ atau Layanan for securities transactions provided by PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia.
I acknowledge and agree that electronic information and/or electronic documents and/or printouts are considered valid legal evidence therefore, all documentation for opening a Customer Securities Account (REN) and Customer Fund Account (RDN) conducted online is stored in electronic form.
I am the true beneficial owner of the securities account.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has the right to periodically evaluate customer account activities.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia can disclose information about customers on customer accounts for the purposes of inspection or investigation by OJK, BEI, KPEI, KSEI and other authorized agencies.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia has no right to take any action on the funds and securities contained in the customer's account, except on the basis of an agreement for the benefit of the customer. If the customer and PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia intend to take action on the customer's funds and securities, then this is regulated in another separate agreement.
PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is not responsible for any delay or failure to fulfill its obligations under this agreement caused by events that are beyond the control and ability of the parties (Force Majeure), these circumstances include but are not limited to pandemics, earthquakes, storms, floods, other natural disasters or wars, revolutions, riots or riots or military actions, interference with telephone lines or other means of communication, sabotage, labor strikes or policies issued by the competent authority which prohibit or temporarily prohibit implementation of this agreement.
If there are changes to legal provisions and statutory regulations which result in the provisions in this agreement not being valid, then the customer hereby declares that he is willing to change the terms and conditions in this account opening agreement.
By signing this agreement, the Customer declares that the Customer has read, comprehended, understood, and accepted all the terms and conditions in this agreement.
In the event of a dispute resulting from a breach of contract or breach of contract as well as other disputes resulting from the implementation of the agreement and these terms and conditions, the parties agree to resolve the dispute by deliberation to reach a consensus. If settlement by deliberation does not result in a settlement, then the dispute can be resolved through the Financial Services Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (“LAPS SJK”). The customer hereby expresses his agreement to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of LAPS SJK, but PT Webull Sekuritas Indonesia is free to file claims against the customer in any court and in any jurisdiction.
This agreement has been adjusted to the provisions of laws and regulations including the provisions of the Financial Services Authority regulations.
This Agreement Provisions shall constitute an integral part and must be read together with the Online Securities Account Opening Form completed by the customer.